You Are Not Alone. You Can Do This.

Our diverse community of patients has found solidarity and meaning as they use our therapy to re-write their stories.
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Experienced, Compassionate Professionals

Our team at Centre You is unparalleled in expertise and care.

Trusted & Lasting Results
Our proven Finding You program has been shown to lead to real outcomes.

Integrated & Holistic Methods

The Finding You program empowers you to live an action-oriented life from the inside out.

"Centre-You was my missing link. I tried dozens of pharmaceuticals and nothing provided any relief for me. I was starting to lose hope after suffering for years. I felt alone. The Finding You program at Centre You gave me the resources to reclaim my light and make my life my own. I am no longer in the passenger seat of my own life. My life is finally my own."
Preslie F.

"When we first started going to Centre You, our son was struggling with suicidal thoughts and depression. We decided to give Centre-You therapy a try based on the research and several personal testimonials from friends. We were excited that there was an integration program, Finding You, that went along with their therapy.

After the first couple of sessions, we noticed small shifts in his outlook, and his ability to handle stressful situations. After 8 sessions, Owen is no longer talking about suicide, and seems to have a much better handle on his personal identity.

I would recommend Centre You to anyone who is struggling with similar issues."

David B.
"Centre You has truly saved my life. I was in a spot where I was stuck and literally suicidal. I didn’t see a way forward. The tools provided through the Finding You program helped me find a way through."
Justin D.
"The treatments at Centre You have been such a blessing for my daughter! Within 1 treatment I noticed a drastic decrease in her anxiety and restlessness. The tools in the ‘Finding You’ program has helped her to start processing deep rooted emotions and feelings she did not even recognize were there prior to her treatment. It has been a wonderful experience and we are so grateful this has been an option for her."
Cassie A.
"My experience has been nothing less than a transformational one. It has been a tool that has enabled me to do some great soul searching and given me the realization that most of life’s answers are already inside of us. The staff at Centre You realizes this and are experts at helping people tap into this inner knowing through this great tool paired with their integration program, ‘Finding You.’ "
Griffin D.
"My daughter has been through some very difficult experiences that have left her depressed, anxious, and closed off. She has been resistant to counseling or therapy. After learning about Centre You and doing some research, I approached her about it. She was hesitant, but to my surprise was willing to give it a try. We talked about how she felt and she let me know that she was more relaxed and willing to talk through some of her trials. I have seen a change in her as she is beginning her healing process."
Valerie D.

Find Your Peace. Let Your Inner Light Shine!

Our unique therapy and Finding You program will help you embark on a journey of rediscovery focused on awareness. You will identify belief systems, patterns, and behaviors that have impeded your growth—offering an awareness that is key to unlock the light within.
Call Us To Start Your Healing Journey